PASSAGE is a collection of finite element programs for flow and heat transfer analysis in complex 3-D geometries. PASSAGE supports the following standalone modules:
PASSAGE/DUCTFlows through complex passages
PASSAGE/WHEELFlows through rotating/stationary blade passages
PASSAGE/PROCESSFluid flow and heat transfer in manufacturing processes
PASSAGE/CASTINGCasting processes
PASSAGE/SYSFLOWSimulation of flow networks
All modules are supported by preprocessors for geometry, mesh, and flow/process conditions definition, and postprocessors for color/monochrome results displayed as x-y, vector, and contour plots. Application areas are widespread in the automotive, fan/HVAC, appliance, aerospace, pharmaceutical/chemical, and equipment industries.
Oguzhan Gurdogan
Director, Software R & D
Technalysis, Inc.
7120 Waldemar Dr.
Indianapolis, IN 46268
317-291-7281 (fax)
For applications in related solution areas, see the following indices: